Friday, January 09, 2004

Rant: Christianity, Christians, and "Christians"

Written for a dear friend...

It's highly unfortunate when people who identify themselves as "Christians" use the opinions of others as an opportunity to evaluate their "Christianity." First, the idea that anyone can evaluate another's religious "worthiness" isn't just facetious; it's sacrilegious and harmful to relations between people and the community of faith at large. (Not to mention the fact that it gives yet more evidence to those who choose not to be Christians because of the people who claim they are representing Christ.)

Furthermore, it must be so nice to have all the answers to the complex moral dilemmas that individuals are faced with. The fact that people feel free to judge others about their opinions on social issues indicates a lack of maturity on their part. Both religious, moral, and social. God *does* have mentioned above, there are the Big 10. I believe the point that was being made in this case was that in situations such as abortion or similar problems, God does not see them as absolutely wrong or absolutely right. Think of it this way...everyone thinks that it is wrong to murder another person, but there are also times when everyone would consider it justified: war, self-defense. If you're basing the merits of absolute truth on the existence of God, you're missing a whole lot in the entire concept of God. Like it or not, but because of all the people, religions, and belief systems in the world, there ARE differences in what "absolute truth" is. It's called cultural relativism. Everything is nice when it's cut and dry, but the "real world" just isn't like that. Life is more complicated; more intense, with a greater variety of experiences than most people who seem to hold this hard-core belief in their "duty" to "help" others by pointing out their moral and social shortcomings. And I, for one, am glad that life is more complicated than that. God's creatures are wonderful and amazing, and I'm so pleased to be counted among them as one of those who does God's will by loving others simply as God made them.

It's funny that people get all wrapped up in the arguments about homosexuality, abortion, etc., and yet when there's something that can actually be done where you can apply your faith, very few people are willing to step up and do it. God has made it very clear as to what we are meant to do as human beings: Love one another, and love God with all our hearts.

By judging those who have been faced with difficult life circumstances and have chosen a path that you don't necessarily agree with, are you loving one another? And when you judge another human being based on his or her viewpoints, and subsequently judging one of God's perfect creations who has been blessed with the understanding of the complexities of life, are you loving God with all your heart?

Next time you start to judge someone, think about this: I believe that Jesus would have understood what people go through when they make difficult decisions, and while maybe he wouldn't have necessarily agreed with the decision, he would have supported them in the true fellowship of faith. (Like we ALL should be doing...)

Step up to the plate and be a real man or woman of God, instead of hiding behind your judgmental attitudes and assumptions about others.